Escalator and elevator injury attorneys Los Angeles

Injured in an Elevator or Escalator?

California has thousands of elevators and escalators in private and public places, including shopping malls, apartment buildings, high-rise buildings, and workplaces throughout California. State regulations are in place to enforce regular inspection and ensure safety and proper maintenance. Despite these safeguards, some property owners and elevator companies chose to ignore these procedures and prioritize money over safety at times.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Consumer Product Safety Commission report, nearly 17,000 people are injured every year, and another 30 people die due to these faulty elevators or escalators. Elevators and escalators are used daily and should be maintained regularly. But unfortunately, that is not always the case.

If you or a loved one has been harmed due to a faulty elevator or escalator, you may have the right to seek compensation for any injuries you may have suffered.

Why do Elevator and Escalator Incidents Occur? Unsafe elevators and escalators can cause severe and long-term injuries. These injuries often include fractures, spinal injury, concussions, and traumatic brain injuries. When elevators and escalators are not properly maintained, several scenarios can occur, such as:

  • Falls due to sudden and forceful stops and or accelerations between floors
  • Tripping and falling due to uneven leveling of elevator upon exit
  • An unexpected and sudden door that shuts
  • Falling in an empty elevator shaft
  • Being stuck or tangled in an escalator’s mechanism

These unfortunate accidents are often preventable. They are a result of the negligence of one or more parties. Examples of such negligence include:

  • Defective parts by the manufacturer
  • Improper repair or maintenance of a part
  • Allowing an elevator or escalator back into service without proper repair or
  • Building violations that do not allow the use of these devices
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Who Can Be Held Liable for Elevator and Escalator Injuries?

A thorough investigation concerning the escalator or elevator accident that has left you or your cherished one with serious injuries may uncover that the manufacturer should be held liable. For example, the manufacturer could be held responsible because of a design flaw or due to a faulty part such as an axle bearing that may give out unexpectedly. Other times, an elevator or escalator manufacture signs contracts with their customers for ongoing service.

Therefore, in such a circumstance, they would be held liable based on their failure to property live up to the terms of those contracts.

What to do If You Are Involved In An Elevator Or Escalator Accident The most important thing to do after an accident is to seek medical attention for any injuries. The owner or manager of the property should be immediately notified of the incident. If possible, an incident report should also be reported to proper authorities. Your next step should be to hire an experienced and qualified elevator and escalator injury, Attorney. The Attorney will conduct a thorough investigation of the incident, contact witnesses, preserve evidence and notify the insurance companies of your injuries and claim.

Hire An Experienced Glendale Escalator and Elevator Accident Lawyer 

The Attorneys at Yarian & Associates are experienced in handling escalator and elevator accident cases. We have extensive experience with personal injury and wrongful death cases. Consultations are free, and our office accepts these cases on a contingency basis. This means that you don’t pay anything out of pocket until your case settles.

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Please call our office at (844)291-1911 to schedule your appointment today.